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iCHEF Alternative – KlikNRoll vs iCHEF

iCHEF Alternative

In the battle of online booking systems, there are many on the market, but let’s take a look at this comparison between iCHEF and KlikNRoll, and how we might be an interesting iCHEF alternative!

Let’s take a look at the features:

Website Builder

What iCHEF Offers

iCHEF does offer a website builder where you can create a website using a series of drag-and-drop elements. It’s good if you’re a small-medium-sized restaurant that doesn’t need branding or special features.

What Sets KlikNRoll Apart

Big brands like McDonald’s and Pizza Hut use our products in Hong Kong.

They know branding and customizations are key. The right colors, logos, and customer service make your customers order more naturally and think of you when they’re hungry in the future.

This way, you can grow your restaurant’s sales naturally – with little marketing work!

Our white-labeling feature lets you pick from many templates. You can change any detail you want or can think of.

Plus, you can ask our team for any extra feature that you would need to boost your branding and conversion!


What iCHEF Offers

  • Table Management.
  • Order While Queueing
  • Track Meal Progress
  • Changing Tables
  • Modifiers
  • Multiple Payment Modes
  • Tableside Ordering

What KlikNRoll Offers

  • Table Management
  • Order While Queueing
  • Track Meal Progress
  • Changing Tables
  • Advanced Modifiers With Member’s Preferences 
  • Multiple Payment Modes
  • Tableside Ordering
  • Ordering and Payment in Advance
  • Multi-Language Menus and Translation Features
  • Feedback Form Notification After Payment

Payment Method Integration

What iCHEF Offers

  • 3rd Party Payment Integration (Stripe)
  • 3.4% + HK$2.35 per domestic card charges
  • Rates can only be lowered via custom packages and volume

What Sets KlikNRoll Apart

  • PRIZM Pay (Our Group’s Proprietary Payment Gateway)
  • Fixed Hosting Fee
  • Only 2% Monthly Subscription Fee
  • Save more money in the long term


What iCHEF Offers

In terms of operations, iCHEF comes with a complete kit of essentials like:

  • Orders are automatically sent to the kitchen printer alongside basic information like the timeslot, order specifications, etc.
  • POS Integration
  • Automatic Inventory Deduction
  • Managing Takeaways

What Sets KlikNRoll Apart

We’ve designed our backend to be as easy-to-use and feature-rich as possible, encompassing features like:

  • The kitchen printer shows orders with basic info and features, like notes on repeat customers. The kitchen can see AI insights from customer’s history. For example, our AI notes customers who forget to modify orders. This helps you satisfy customers without asking.
  • You can integrate with any POS or software you want. Do you have a CRM? Connect it with our online booking system to get more insights for your business.
  • KlikNRoll tracks inventory automatically and we can do that for multiple stores and locations. We can make the system request a restock from your suppliers with details like amount, location, and other ingredients that might be running low.
  • Our system tracks and manages takeaways from many locations easily. You can offer customers to go to your other stores for the same dish if one location lacks ingredients.

Loyalty Program

What iCHEF Offers

  • Scan Receipts to Collect Points
  • Collecting and Redeem Points for Dine-In, Take-Out, and Delivery Orders.
  • Automated Points Updated by POS
  • Promo Messages Through SMS or Line
  • Customer History
  • Targeted Messaging
  • CRM Data
  • Customers Check Their Rewards Through a WebApp

What Sets KlikNRoll Apart

  • Scan Receipts to Collect Points
  • Collecting and Redeem Points for Dine-In, Take-Out, and Delivery Orders.
  • Automated Points Updated by POS
  • Promo Messages Through SMS, Line, WeChat, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, etc.
  • Detailed Customer History
  • Deep-dived CRM Data like Average Spend, Average Number of Companions, etc.
  • Customers Check Their Rewards Through a WebApp, available on any device or OS
  • Option for Facial Recognition Point Collection
  • Free Custom UI/UX Mockup Demo
  • Tiered Reward System
  • Support for Different Types of Loyalty Programs like Attendance and Points
  • Manage relationships between members. See who is connected to whom and learn more about their group spending patterns and likes
  • Loyalty Program Referral System
  • Reward Catalog for Seamless Redemption


What iCHEF Offers

  • Ordering Links Can be Shared Anywhere
  • Discount and Rules Management
  • Membership Marketing Through SMS & Line
  • Customer Segmentation

What Sets KlikNRoll Apart

  • Ordering Links Can be Shared Anywhere
  • Easy-To-Use & Flexible Discount and Rules Management
  • Membership Marketing Through Any Messaging Platform (WeChat, WhatsApp, LINE, SMS, Facebook Messenger, etc.)
  • Automated Copywriting With Custom Fields.
  • Advanced Customer Segmentation & AI Integration
  • Segment Customers With Special Parameters Like 
  • Advanced Tagging Features for Quick Segmentation
  • Free UI/UX Demo Custom To Your Brand
Last Updated by February 28, 2024
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