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Online Booking System in Hong Kong | KlikNRoll

Online Booking System in Hong Kong

Are you looking for an online booking system but can’t find one that is suitable for your business?

None that allow you to customize the way you like it? Or maybe none that have the right features for you?

You’re in luck, because KlikNRoll  

What is an Online Booking System?

An online booking system, often referred to as an appointment booking system, is a centralized digital platform designed to streamline the process of scheduling time slots or appointments across various industries.

It can serve as a versatile solution to simplify customer bookings and enhance business operations efficiency.

While its applications span a wide range of industries, the most common utilization of online booking systems is within the realms of food and beverage, hospitality, and service-based businesses.

The best part is that customers can access the system 24/7, making it incredibly convenient for those who wish to book services or make reservations outside of regular business hours.

Businesses can reduce the risk of overbooking or double-booking, making sure there’s a smooth and organized customer experience.

These systems often integrate with other business software, such as calendars and payment processing tools, CRMs to streamline administrative tasks.

You can also use these systems to send automated reminders, confirmations, and follow-up messages, improving customer engagement and reducing booking no-shows.

Online booking systems generate valuable data that businesses can use to analyze booking trends, customer preferences, and peak booking times, to drive growth.


Why is KlikNRoll the Flagship Online Booking System in Hong Kong?

KlikNRoll is Custom to Your Brand!

Other platforms might require you to download their app and force you to use your platform. This not only diminishes your brand image but also decreases customer engagement.

KlikNRoll allows you to retain your brand’s visual identity like brand colors and custom elements.

You can also opt to customize the interface to match your brand’s image and increase customer retention as well as attract new customers.

KlikNRoll’s Registration System is Suitable for a Wide Range of Industries

Most other platforms are specific industries like restaurants and hotels. KlikNRoll is able to customize everything for you regardless of industry.

Many of our clients are large hotels like the Marco Polo Hotel, Le Meridien, and Sheraton, which require solutions for their hotel, event, and restaurant arms.

If your business is in multiple industries at once, we can make sure you get a comprehensive, yet customized solution.


Not Just an Appointment Booking Platform, But an All-In-One Solution

As mentioned earlier, instead of being one platform with one solution, KlikNRoll strives to be an all-in-one solution. Here’s what we mean:


Instead of being just a reservation system, KlikNRoll also offers voucher and giveaway management, as well as E-Commerce options for your brand.

What do we mean by that? Well, imagine you run a restaurant and you want to:

Implement vouchers to attract new customers or retain existing ones.

  • Run a giveaway campaign in exchange for surveys, etc.
  • Perhaps looking to have some off-peak special promotions.
  • Or you would want to sell your restaurant’s signature condiment in an online store?
  • Integrate an event registration system on your website or social media pages.

So rather than having multiple platforms to do each individual thing, why not have it all in KlikNRoll and have the freedom to customize and have all that data synchronized in one place?


Advantages of an Online Booking System

Reservation & Capacity Management

An appointment booking system can help streamline your business in various ways, like the ability to synchronize reservations and allocate staff at any given time.

Using an online booking system can help you prevent understaffing and give your staff an easier time, especially during peak hours.

It’s not just restaurants that benefit from this, as you can use our system for events, rent out meeting rooms, yoga classes, and whatever services you can think of!

Run Promotional Campaigns Effectively

You might decide to run promotional campaigns during off-peak hours on top of taking reservations. KlikNRoll has the capability to customize your needs and has promotions and conditions to run concurrently, so say goodbye to confusion and limited functionalities!

 Also, any special requests by your customers can also be taken into account on your platform.

Streamline Outlet Management

For those of you who have multiple locations or maybe are managing a franchise, an online reservation system can help you keep track of multiple locations and prepare everything like inventory and manpower in advance!

You can prevent overselling by setting a limited daily quota system, which makes prepping for the day straightforward – at least for restaurants. 

Many of our clients have multiple locations across the globe and require different solutions for different locations, accounting for time zones and language.

So, if you need a supercharged and customized platform that can do whatever you can think of, KlikNRoll is the solution for you.


Maximize Revenue & Increase Efficiency

Of course, other than providing the best product or service to your customers, every business’s goal is to maximize revenue.

An increase in revenue means more opportunities to scale. In order to do that, customer satisfaction and retention are incredibly important.

You can reduce customer wait time, anticipate customer preferences, increase table turnover, and even upsell special promotions.

Every reservation is confirmed with our unique QR code system, so you’ll be safe from potential malicious parties from abusing the system.

The QR codes can be scanned by staffers and make tracking a breeze. 

Collect Data & Reduce No-Shows

Arguably, one of the most important things that booking systems can do is their ability to collect valuable customer data.

With this data, you can tailor your restaurant’s offerings and services to meet your customer’s expectations.

This can lead to the reduction of no-shows by having reminder features, confirmations and even requiring a deposit – if you like!

 There’s a reason why big corporations are willing to pay so much for data because it reduces their expenses in the long run.

You can also use data collected for email or SMS marketing, for retargeting marketing efforts, which is also something that we specialize in.

Some of KlikNRoll's Happy Clients in Hong Kong

The Murray Hotel located in the heart of Hong Kong wanted to make events at their hotel more user-friendly for their stakeholders.

As a result, KlikNRoll was able to help them coordinate with different event talents and customers and have a simplified ticket purchasing system that’s all done through their website.

The best part? Each ticket holder has their own individual QR code to avoid confusion and streamline seating arrangements!

Take a look at our case study on what we did for The Murray Hotel.

China Mobile Hong Kong (CMHK) is a massive player in the telecommunications game especially in the Greater China area.

 KlikNRoll’s solution enabled them to greatly simplify the online registration system, limit the number of attendees, and make sure data was secured throughout the process.

We’ve also helped them keep track of their waiting list and generated personalized QR codes during the event.

Check out what we did for CMHK!

Gold Coast Hotel in Hong Kong encountered issues in their reservation process, leading to customer frustration and dissatisfaction.

KlikNRoll solved this by providing a centralized management system that is both user-friendly and designed to handle heavy loads.

They also implemented discount codes and boosted customer loyalty – and eventually revenue.


MediLase is one such example of a beauty center that specializes in hair removal.

They wanted to push online bookings in order to increase customer engagement, operational efficiency, and ultimately, revenue growth.

Data also played a huge role in the process, as they wanted to personalize promotions for each customer segment, as well as give out vouchers to attract new clients!

Take a look at how we helped MediLASE bring in almost US$2 million in total revenue!

Example of Industries that Benefit from KlikNRoll’s Online Appointment System

Industries That Benefit from Online Booking Systems


Restaurants benefit most from an online reservation system, as the average stay per customer is a lot less than the other industries.

Not to mention the daily table turnover is usually very high for restaurants.

We also understand that restaurants can have multiple locations and franchises, therefore we designed KlikNRoll to be able to cater and segment based on location and branches.


During peak seasons like the school holidays, hotels can be hectic and it’s crucial to be able to have an organized and centralized booking system that can handle heavy loads.

Since most of our clients are hotel chains, we have the capabilities and the experience to handle massive bookings – especially for multi-location hotels.

Beauty Centers

Beauty centers like spas and salons also benefit greatly from a robust booking system.

To be able to have one landing page and one link to book an online appointment across multiple channels is amazing, especially for new beauty centers just starting out. 

Online Services

It’s not just large corporations and restaurants that benefit from our online booking system!

If you’re an online services provider like a consultant, tutor, freelancer, or any type of online service. 

You’re able to have your clients book appointments, take a look at your schedule, and request a deposit upfront – if you want to. 

Last Updated by November 8, 2023
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